Lem N Ginge: The Princess of Kakos (excerpt only)
Written by Ell Potter and Mary Higgins
Part of a new series of audio dramas plays called Written on the Waves (UK)
5min 10 sec
Produced by 45North and Ellie Keel Productions.
Reviewed by Kate Herbert
Stars: ***
Short review of this online audio play. Review published only on this blog. KH
Lem N Ginge: The Princess of Kakos
is described
as an 'all-singing all-dancing queer feminist fairytale', performed by Sharon D Clarke with the writers, Ell Potter and Mary
Ell and Mary push themselves to the front of the crowd for the Princess’s 25th birthday but the King makes an emergency announcement that the Princess has had her voice stolen. She cannot speak publicly as an adult. The King will tear out the tongues of all girls under 25 if the voice is not found.
The fable is a goofy parody of a fairy tale quest with a sting in the tale. The two women choose to go on the quest because, to quote them, the Princess is ‘fit’.
This excerpt is a bit twee and old-fashioned, but who cares?
Composition, sound design and editing by Tom Foskett-Barnes.
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