Saturday, 1 March 2025

Truth REVIEW Malthouse Theatre, 18 Feb 2025 ***1/2


Written by Patricia Cornelius, by Malthouse Theatre

At Malthouse Theatre until 8 March 2025

Reviewer: Kate Herbert

Stars: ***1/2

This review is published only on this blog. I’ll present a radio review on Arts Weekly on 3MBS on Sat 1 Mar 2025. KH

Truth_cast- photo Pia Johnson
Patricia Cornelius’ new play, Truth, directed by Susie Dee, is an ambitious examination of whistleblowers and “hacktivists”, with a focus on the complex and confusing moral landscape that surrounds hacking as a form of political protest.


At the heart of the play is Julian Assange, the eccentric, driven and flawed man who started WikiLeaks and was accused of treason by the US government. However, Cornelius depicts some hackers – known only by their online “handles” – that started the hacktivism, and also deals briefly with Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing.


Cornelius’ play is unflinchingly committed to exploring uncomfortable truths, interweaving historical context, personal narratives and philosophical debates, although the script is sometimes too didactic and dense with information. She portrays the complexities of Assange’s character, exposing both his brilliance and is flaws.


Dee's production, performed by a skilful ensemble on a minimalist set with inventive multimedia, creates a feeling of confinement, mirroring the psychological pressures and ethical dilemmas faced by the characters.


Perhaps the most powerful moment in the play is the chilling, authentic drone footage of the horrific killing of Iraqi civilians by US forces. The cold, detached perspective of the drone camera, juxtaposed with the actors' voices portraying the callous indifference of the operators, is a stark reminder of the real-world consequences of the information Assange and WikiLeaks sought to expose.


Truth is not a comfortable night in the theatre; it will leave you talking about its issues on the way home and those images of drone killings with haunt your dreams.  It challenges the audience with complex issues and an unwavering commitment to truth-telling that demands our attention and critical thinking.


by Kate Herbert



Creative Team


SUSIE DEE - Director

MATILDA WOODROOFE -Set & Costume Design

PAUL JACKSON -Lighting Design

KELLY RYALL – Sound Design







EVA REES -Ensemble






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